Long-term plans for Madagascar
"...Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO/DreamWorks Animation says the studio will produce a sequel to Madagascar, its CG-animated movie. Slated for a 2008 theatrical release, cast members from the original film reprising their roles in sequel include Ben Stiller, Chris Rock and Jada Pinkett Smith. The worldwide box-office take for Madagascar has surpassed the $500m mark ($192m domestically), making it DreamWorks' most successful original movie. Additionally, Katzenberg said that the Penguins from the Madagascar movies will star in their own direct-to-video title, produced by DreamWorks Animation and slated for release in 2009. DreamWorks has also produced and will release an animated short film featuring the Penguins, which will be tied to Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit, set to open nationwide October 7, 2005."
--Cynthia Turner's Cynopsis: Kids 09/15/05